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~ 98 Year Old Judo Black Belt Proves Women Can Be Awesome At Any Age


In a world that seems to focus on youth, I just love stories that show the other side.  I know women can be powerful and strong into their elder years but the media does not often show this, instead focusing on the young and glamorous.  Beauty and strength come in all ages and sizes.  Check out this story about Sensei Keiko Fukudaa, a 98 year old 9th dan in Judo (9th degree black belt).  Make sure to watch the video.  It shows her in her younger days and also still teaching Judo class at age 95.  This story is inspiring not just because of her age, but that she persevered throughout her entire life in a male dominated martial art.  As a second degree black belt in Aikido, I understand the drive, dedication, and pure strength of body and mind that it must take to achieve what she has achieved in her long life.  The next time I feel bad about a new wrinkle or gray hair, I'll just watch the video for inspiration!

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